Blood Brothers: Short Film Shot on Sound Stage Inside KFS

"Blood Brothers" is a poignant film that delves into the emotional complexities of adoption and familial bonds. It follows Corky, a refined older man, as he reunites with his long-lost brother Roark, whose rugged demeanor starkly contrasts Corky's cultured lifestyle. Their strained and awkward attempts at connection reveal deep-seated resentments and unmet expectations, culminating in a dramatic climax that underscores the profound emotional scars of adoption. The film leaves a powerful message on the realities of reuniting lost family.


  • Roark Critchlow

  • Corky McMechan

If you or anyone you know is interested in this film or filming inside Kelowna Film Studios, please contact James.


BC Motion Picture Tax Credits


Because She's Adopted: Kristal Parke & Indigenous Adoption